Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Campos 4!
Kyle is hilarious and LOOOVES to talk... he would talk ALL day if he could... seriously... he DEFINITELY takes after me in that regard. I remember being his age and wanting to talk everyone's ear off.... nothing has changed since then LOL
We had a really fun Christmas and it was fun to see Kyle get super excited about Santa Claus and all the lights and magic of the holiday.
Robert and I are still working our booties off and really trying to save up for a down payment on a house. We know we will live on the coastside and we drive around looking (dreaming) at all the houses in town and we talk about our wish lists for what we hope to have in our future home. I am so excited to find that place where our kids will grow up and where we will make so many memories and start so many traditions.
Robert was sworn in last week as the parking officer for the PD where we work. It was a wonderful ceremony and we brought Kyle with us on stage when I pinned his badge on him. We so look forward to the day that it's a police officer badge that I am pinning on him.
Life is sweet right now, that's for sure.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
So after 38 weeks, we finally got to meet our little girl, Ivy Olivia Campos. She is the sweetest and we love her so much-in fact, we loved her from the second we knew about her, loved her even more the second we laid eyes on her, and love her more and more everyday. Kyle adores being a big brother and he always wants to hold her hand and give her kisses. He is very protective over her. Tonight, my mom was holding her and Kyle yelled, "That's MY sister!" :-) He is the cutest boy.
She came 2 weeks early, unexpectedly, on July 28. I had a very healthy pregnancy but just was super tired by the time I was 36 weeks so I stopped working at that time. On my second week off from work, I started having contractions but thought they were just braxton hicks and ignored them. Two days later, I started thinking these were not fake ones because I was in major pain and they were very close together... I thought, "i'll just go the doctor tonight if they get worse" but luckily, I went against that thought and went in at 11am... and I was already at 5cm.
I did have an epidural (life saver!) but because I was so dehydrated I had to wait until I had
1 1/2 bags of liquid IV'd into me... by the time I actually got it, I was already at 7-8cm... a few hours later the midwife checked me out and Ivy was already pushing her way out! She was delivered right then and there and guess what, I didn't even have to push one bit! They just pulled her gently out and because my water never broke, she was still in her bag of water which I was told is very rare and special for the baby. So it was a perfect delivery and Robert and I were so happy that words can't describe it.
It's definitely been harder having two kids to watch over but I'm getting the hang of it day by day.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
It's becoming a trend how I don't update for months at a time!! But much has happened!
We are still living next door to my parents and I am still working for the same police department... the great thing is that Robert and I are now co-workers! He is not a police officer, but a community service officer who gives out parking tickets at night! He had training during the day two weeks ago so I got to see him everyday at work, which was really sweet! Since last week he has been working nights. He gets off at 6am and I start work at 6:30am so we pass eachother on the road everyday and it makes me all giddy each time he drives past me, honks his horn and waves at me with a huge smile. It makes me so happy even though I'm about to start a 10 hour day of work! :-)
Kyle is so amazing. He will be 3 in a couple of months and he talks SO much... we have full conversations and he has developed the cutest sense of humor and a feisty personality. We have so much fun with him and are marveled at all he learns everyday. He knows how to spell "toy" and loves to tell everyone "T...O...Y...TOY!" If anyone tries to spell it before him, he puts his little hand up and says, "No nononono! That's MY line!" it's really cute.
Another great development is that we are expecting again! I am 18 weeks pregnant and as of my ultrasound from the other day, we are expecting a little girl! We are thinking of names and for some reason it's way harder to think of girl names than it was boys names! We had SO many boy names that we loved and now, i have very few girl names that I like. I even liked at the top baby names of 1880 to see if there was any pretty name that would be totally unique now-a-days. Robert and I had a deal that if it was a boy he got to choose the first name and I could use the middle name and vice versa for a girl-but he doesn't really like any of the first names that I love. I am going between Evelyn and Camila... I LOVE Camila (pronounced Ka-Mee-La in Spanish) but Robert really doesn't like it... I loved the name Sophia since I was in high school (mostly because I have always been obsessed with Sophia Loren) and he doesn't love that, either... so we're working on finding the perfect name!
So far, we have been so blessed. I love my job, Robert is now working somewhere that he loves, we love eachother and our son; our little family, and how we are looking forward to welcoming our little girl in August :-)
Friday, September 24, 2010
I have not written on here in MONTHS!! I don't know if anyone even reads this anymore.
We have all been doing really well. Kyle is such a tall, mischievous, smily, silly, talkative, and rebellious little ball of fun. Robert and I enjoy him so much and love spending all our time together, us three. Whenever Kyle sees Robert and I hug, he yells, "HUG!" and runs to us with his little arms spread out wide, ready to hug both of us at once.
When I was a little girl, I used to do this with my parents and while we would all hug, I would sing, "We are family! My daddy and my mommy and me!" And now, I sing it again, except with a change of wording, of course :-) I love my life right now and I wouldn't change a thing.
Our Summer was pretty quiet and now as we start Fall, I am super excited. There are SO many things I am loving about the Fall: knee high, Cognac-colored boots, scarves, pumpkin-patching, the cold, cider, Halloween, and our upcoming trip to TX.
Hopefully will post some pics soon!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Kyle turned 2 last week! We had a small, family party for him at our house, Spiderman themed! He has a Spiderman hoodie that we got him at Old Navy quite a few months ago, and he LOVES it! He will bring it to us and let us know that he wants us to put it on him. And then he points at his chest and says, "Spy-ah-man!" He also had a Spiderman b-day cake and pinata! He had a great time with Elena and Coral, just running around and playing with balloons and toys. 

This is Kyle's hard hat which he thinks makes him a "fie-man" LOL
We made carne asada tacos with rice, beans, and fresh fruit on the side. It was so good! We went to my mom's friend's Mexican market in HMB and bought everything for the party and it was delicious and affordable. (It's Mercado Mi Familia, by New Leaf and Rite Aid). Robert grilled the already marinated meat, and it was SO GOOD!!! My Abuelita made the beans and also, her delish rice pudding for the party.
Abuelita turns 82 this year and she has 5 great-grand-children now. We took the best picture with her and I know it's one that I will treasure forever.
From left: Me, Kyle, Abuelita, Colton, Sonia, Coral (floor) Nicole, Elena, Erika, and Lillian.
My cousin Nicole just had her son, Colton, 8 weeks ago! He is one gorgeous little boy! Erika just had her 2nd daughter, Lillian, 12 weeks ago. So many babies and I love it!
Kyle is really so much fun. He is talking up a storm! Yesterday, at Trader Joe's, he was sitting in the cart and helping the checker with putting things on the counter and he kept saying, "I got it! I got it!" He really talks and understands now and it's astonishing how quickly he got here! Last year, when he just had turned one, he started talking with saying, "momma" and "kitty" and "hi, kitty!" Now, he just knows so many things! He knows all his moving vehicles and LOVES TRUCKS! I mean, he gets super excited when he sees trucks, tractors, semis, ambulances, firetrucks, buses... he loves all of them and knows them by name. He knows all his animal names and sounds. He loves all his books and loves going through them with us and pointing at the pictures and telling us what they are. It's amazing to me how much he has grown.
We took him to see Shrek on Friday. It was his first movie theater movie and he loved it. He did get a little restless in the middle of the movie but over all, we were so impressed by how well he behaved :-) Such a good boy!
We are all doing well. I am just working and Robert started working at the Ritz again a couple of weeks ago. It's just an 0n-call position for now which works out well with his Police job-search. We try to spend as much quality time together as possible, as a couple as well as a family, even though we don't see each other as much as we're used to. But you just make it work :-)
And, we're happy.
Friday, February 26, 2010
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