Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ritz Family Holiday party and Kyle's Xmas Photo shoot

This past weekend the Ritz Carlton had their Employee Christmas party.  We took Kyle and it was a fun-filled day of food, hot chocolate and Santa!

Kyle with one of Robert's co-workers.
Kyle in line for Santa... again! :-)

The whole family with Santa LOL

Then I decided to do a little photo shoot with Kyle and our Christmas tree!  It was so cute and I got to play around with my camera and learned how to take a picture with the tree's lights actually showing!

With a sleeping Mimi kitty during floor time :-)

I love this picture!

Learning what presents are.

I can't wait for his first Christmas!  It will be so memorable and I hope to take a ton of pictures.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Visiting Santa and the Christmas tree

  Today we took Kyle to see Santa and we also got our Christmas tree.  It was so much fun.  Kyle was SO serious when he sat with Santa but he didn't cry or freak out anything.  He just stared LOL  We also went to buy a tree from the Boy Scout's in San Mateo.  It's become a tradition as the lot where the trees get sold is down the street from my old apartment.  Natalie and I bought our Christmas tree there (they lent us a little wagon to carry the tree from the lot to our apartment; it was so cute!) and then Robert and I bought our tree there last year, as well.  It was so much fun to do all of these things with Kyle.  I think he enjoyed it, too!

I dressed him in a red button-up onesie, with gray plaid pants, and his new, black Converse.  He looked so adorable!
We got a new, much smaller stroller.  Although we love our BOB, it's rather huge for when you just want to go to the mall really quick.  Doesn't he look so cute!!??
Waiting in line to see Santa
Still waiting :-)
Waiting some more...
And just a bit more...
Here he is!  The picture we ended up buying is so precious.  It's just Kyle looking up at Santa, and Santa looking down at Kyle.  Santa has a little smile on his face and you can tell he's saying something nice to Kyle.  It was the cutest of the three poses!  Unfortunately, we only have hard copies of that one so I can't post it!
Entering the tree farm...

Kyle touching his first Christmas tree!

The chosen one, in the truck bed, on our way home.
Here she is!
Decorated and with Kyle
Here is one of our first married Christmas ornaments that our wedding photographer gave us last year.  It's really cute!
Kyle was so excited while we decorated the tree!  He was having the best time!
Robert broke this gold ornament... no big deal lol

Oh, and we got our new couch and chair, finally!!!  I think that this picture really doesn't do them justice because they are really awesome!  Once the holiday season is over, I am going to rearrange the furniture in the living room and make it all new! :-)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Texas Thanksgiving!

Robert, Kyle and I all went to Houston, TX for Thanksgiving to visit all our family over there and we had the most wonderful holiday.  We took SOOO many great pictures and can't wait to see everyone again.

We got there on Thursday morning after flying the red-eye.  Kyle was pretty good during the trip, only crying a couple of times.
Still in San Francisco, about to the get onto the plane to Houston!

On the plane....

Reuniting with Grandma :-)

Taking a picture with Grandpa on Thanksgiving Day.

Uncle Alex and Aunt Melissa at Thanksgiving dinner.

With Uncle John at Uncle Gabriel's house for dessert.
Some of the boys: Kyle, Robert, John, Eli, Alex, and Gabe

With Great-Grandma :-)

With Grandma!

Peek a boo with Aunt and Uncle

On Friday night we went to Alex and Melissa's for a get together and it was so much fun.  They have such a cute and unique apartment.  

On our last day in Texas, we visited Great-Grandma Campos and Great-Grandma Gonzales.  It was a very relaxing and sweet end to our holiday.