Photo by Dan Whitemore's iPhone

Today, Elena turned 1! I just can't believe how fast one year went by. It seems like she was JUST a newborn and Robert and I were visiting the Whitemore family in the hospital!
The birthday party was held at my Uncle Tim and Aunt Lupe's house in Moss Beach and it was so much fun. It was great to see all my cousins and also to see Sonia probably for the last time before she has baby Coral. She is seriously about to pop. Her due date was yesterday!
Here is a picture of her at her baby shower almost 2 months ago.
PS Erika and I put on the baby shower at my house and it was super cute! Erika brought the cutest decoration and we hung it up all over my house!
Her Loot :-)
Elena hanging out in Kyle's convertible :-)
Anyway, point is, it was a super fun day seeing my whole family. I really cannot wait to see new baby Coral and I know everyone's on the edge of their seats wondering when Sonia will go into labor! Elena was adorable whether it was holding court with all the other babies or threatening to touch her mommy's face with her frosting-covered hand. Happy Birthday, Elena!
And although my camera died before I could take any cute pictures, I promise that I will steal my cousin Vanessa's facebook pictures to post on here from today because she took some great Kyle pictures!