Just married!

My dad walking me down the aisle.
Today is our one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe an entire year has passed. I think back on our wedding, all the excitement, happiness, and all the planning and time I put into it, and it feels like it was just yesterday. I think it probably will always feel like it was just yesterday, even when 30 years have gone by.

Yesterday we went to a Giant's game and had the best time. We decided to take the train to the game instead of driving over then paying $20+ for parking. It was only $8 per person, round trip to take the train, and it's way more exciting and fun! We caught the train in San Mateo, where they have the cutest train station. It feels so old fashioned to take the train, which I absolutely love. The trains were all chock full of Giants and Dodger fans. The game was a lot of fun, even though the Giants lost :-( But, on the upside, Robert and I had awesome seats in the Club area, and we made it onto the scoreboard in between innings! That was a first for both of us. I tried to see if I could find the still frame picture online, but, alas, to no avail.
Kyle stayed with my parents while we were out, but when he's a little bigger, we will definitely be taking him with us! There were a lot of babies there all dressed up in their Giants finest! Kyle's got a couple of Giants outfits just waiting for his first game! Plus, I still have a Giants hat that my mom crocheted for me when I was a baby, and I can't wait to put it on Kyle. There is the cutest picture of me, my brother Robi, and my dad at a Giants game at Candlestick Park. Robi is a baby and is in my dad's arms, and I am about 4 years old.
Being a Giants fan is a huge tradition in my family-My Nana and Poppie were huge fans and their garage was completely covered in Giants memorabilia that went back decades. When they both had passed and their house was being sold, it was sad to see all of it taken down.
Whenever I go to a Giants game, I think of them.
Even though I don't have any pictures of Kyle in his Giants outfits yet since they're too big for him, here are some other pictures I took of him today. He is getting so big and has the cutest personality! He smiles at us all the time now and we love it! He is so curious about the world and you can just see him thinking as he stares at something. Even though he has his moments where he gets fussy and cranky, (I mean, he IS only 7 weeks old), he is really a good baby. He's pretty much calm most of the time, he LOVES to sleep, and he only cries when he needs something. Who knows what he'll be like in the following months, but I don't think we've really had a day when Kyle just cried and we didn't know what he wanted. We're so lucky to have him and we love him so much. :-)
Love, Robert, Eugenia, Kyle and Mimi the cat!
1 comment:
happy anniversary!! one year, wow...i can't believe its been that long either. every picture of kyle is so cute! congrats on having one of the best years, and here is to many more to come!
we love you guys!
alex, melissa and cali
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