Kyle got this fun, jumpy toy passed to him from his cousin Elena and he LOVES it!!

So Kyle can now pull himself up into a standing position! He loves to stand and will stand like this for a really long time.... until he gets tired and just lets go and that's when the crying starts. Poor thing! Little by little, he's learning to ease himself down into sitting.

One of his Christmas presents. It's a little tricycle-type thing that also switches up so he can stand up and push it, thus start walking!

I tried to do a little Valentine's Day photo shoot but I couldn't get a straight shot of Kyle's face. Either his eyes were closed, or he had something covering his face. Oh well! It's still cute :-)

Bath time is a fun time! He loves taking baths and totally loves his Dinosaur towel/robe that his Auntie Nicole got him!
Cute towel!! And his face is so adorable, I just want to squish his cheeks!! xxoo
i looooove these pictures!! we can't wait to see you guys again. We will be in California in June! Lets make some plans!
miss you!
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