We are all moved into our new place and are actually loving it! We still have some finishing touches to do and a ton of stuff sitting in boxes out on our (covered) porch waiting for us to find it a place! but otherwise, our new place looks really good inside and not so much like a trailer.
Robert starts the police academy in two days and he is a mixture of nerves and excitement. Kyle is running around everywhere now-a-days and talking up a storm! He says mommy/mama, daddy/dada, banana, shoe, hi, kitty, abuelita, i love you, juice, cookie, thank you, be quiet, Suzy, Mimi, doggie, bampu (that is what he calls my dad)... he also can point to his nose, belly button, mouth, foot, and hand when asked where they are. He likes to go over to all the pictures in the house that I am in and points at me in the picture and says, "mama" and will give the me in the pictures a besito when I tell him to. But if I ask for him to give ME a besito, he shakes his head with a smile and walks away. lol He keeps us super busy but he is so much fun and is hilarous. His new favorite song is the theme song to The Office. He will be serious and quiet and the second he hears that song, a huge smile spreads across his face and he starts dancing!
I packed some things really, really well... so well, that I am not able to find them! My digital camera battery charger is one of those things... sooo, no pictures to load up! IN fact, none taken for quite a while! I will probably end up buying a new one only to find it soon after. :-/
Will post pictures as soon as possible!
Let me know when your house warming is :)
Can't wait to see you next weekend! It's going to be a blast. xxoo
ahh..had to delete my last comment because i spelled something wrong...ANYWAY...happy you all are settled in. we miss you and wish robert our best with the police academy. lot of love
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