We had a great Halloween weekend. Friday night we went to Debbie and Kit's Wig Party. I really don't like wigs (I know-I'm no fun) so I decided to go as an Indian (American, that is). I got the idea from Melissa's blog and thought it would be fun and, since Robert and I are saving up our pennies these days, an inexpensive costume.
I crocheted my headband out of a rust colored, satiny yarn and I made the feather out of cardboard that I drew on with marker pens. Then I flat-ironed my hair and layered on the necklaces. Robert decided to wear one of his old Navy uniforms since they totally fit again (he's lost about 14 pounds since he started the Academy!)
On Halloween night, we took Kyle trick-or-treating in Debbie and Kit's neighborhood, just off of Main Street. He wore my brother's old Papa Bear costume that my mom made for him when he was a little one. It was a tad too big for Kyle but he looked so cute! Especially with his little black nose!

We only went to three houses and then he got way tired and we had to go home. He fell asleep on the way home, which was just a five minute drive.

This is Kyle and Elena at the Pumpkin Festival this year. She was a flamingo. Her mommy, my cousin Erika, made her costume. She got 2nd place!
Here are some other cute pics that we've taken lately::
Here are some other cute pics that we've taken lately::
The other night was a cold one that needed some hot chocolate to make it complete. I used Ghiradellhi Cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, and Lactaid in a pot on the stove and made it nice and hot! I finally got to use the cute teacup/coffee cups that Natalie got me at Anthropologie. I love 'em!
Kyle is really into sunglasses right now. He looks really good in them, too! It's not just, "Oh, look at how cute that little boy looks in those sunglasses~" It's more like, "Wow, those sunglasses look really good on that little boy!" Seriously. He just has a face for sunglasses!
And this is just a fun one I took of us with the camera on our Mac. I love him :-)
Right now, I am still looking for jobs but I am enjoying just getting the chance to stay home with Kyle. Sometimes, I really miss working and getting out of the house everyday with a purpose. These days, I do still have a purpose, and I do get out of the house to run errands and visit with people. And I get to work on my drawings, paintings, and yarn projects. Right now, I am crocheting a blanket with some of my extra yarn. It's turning out so great that I get excited to work on it everyday. I will post some pictures of it soon.
Happy Monday!
i love this post! all the pictures are really cute! I'm n California right now actually! I think Alex is coming on Monday! I'll right soooon about the details!!
Love, aunt mel
Love this big update! Kyle's costume was ADORABLE (as was the one your cousin made for her daughter - so creative!). Loved your cute costume too - your hair is so beautiful, totally inspiring me to grow mine out. Hugs to all of you!
I love that you get to stay home and work on your projects! That is so awesome! And give Robert our best, going thru the academy is such an amazing accomplishment!!!
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