We got our Xmas tree yesterday! I wanted a short, skinny tree, a la Charlie Brown, as Robert says. We don't have a lot of space for a tree so we thought if we purposely got a teeny, skinny one and made it look vintage, it would work! But there were no skinny trees! So, we settled on a short and fat one. It still has a skinny top so it looks pretty cute and we are really happy with it! I also made our stockings this year. I had a ton of canvas fabric, so I cut out the shapes and painted them with fabric paints. I put the years of our birth on the stockings-it was something my mom did when she hand-embroidered our stockings when we were kids. Since I don't sew, my mom is sewing red felt onto the back of them and we'll hang them up near our tree.
Kyle was so cute at the tree "farm"-(Every year we go to the Boy Scout's tree lot for our tree. Even though there are a bunch of local farmers that grow and sell their trees Robert would rather pay a little more but support the Boy Scouts.) I think he had a good time and he loved running up and down the aisles :-)
We don't have any room in our house for a proper Nativity scene...nor would it be very good to have one when we have Kyle running around the house grabbing everything lol I bought this small statue back when I lived on my own and it works perfectly :-)

I had Kyle help me put a couple of ornaments on the tree and he loves looking at all the different ones on the tree and does sometimes grab one but always tries to put it back.

Our star broke so I put this little angel figurine on top since it's hollow and it worked perfectly! I love it!

Here she is! All 5 feet of her!
As for updates, we've all been sick in our household lately! I caught it first, then Kyle was a few days after, then Robert last. Kyle is still kinda sick with a cough and runny nose but is getting better daily! He still is liking to be babied and held throughout the day and I think that is why he is crying all the time... it helps him also get his way, which he enjoys LOL
On the job front, I had an interview last week and it went well-I have a second interview scheduled for this coming Thursday morning. The first interview was with a panel of three people and they each asked me a bunch of questions. Some of them seemed almost too easy to answer because I did that job already so I have a solution to every problem because I faced all of them before. I was sort of nervous that I answered too briefly or honestly but I could tell they liked me (and they laughed at my jokes!) so I wasn't too surprised to get another interview. I am pretty good at interviews and I get weirdly comfortable during them. Even though, before and after, I am a nervous wreck! This next interview is with the Commander so that does make me more nervous but I think I will do okay. I just have to be myself and be honest and do my research on the department before I go in.
We are really excited for Christmas this year! Kyle is at an age where he is noticing the lights and the Santas and decorations. It's so much fun! We are going to take him to Santa once he gets all better! Pictures of that to follow!
Love, US
i love the "male model" pose, haha. your tree looks amazing! I remember our first tree... we were in Alex's tiny San Diego apartment and were on a strict budget so we went to target an asked the guy for the smallest tree on the lot! he ended up giving us one that he had put on the discard pile, for really cheap, haha.
good luck on your job interview, it sounds like you will definitely get it!
Yay! you guys still go to the boy scout "farm"? The same one that we got our tree from? If so that is so cool!
Everyday I have been thinking about your interview but have not had a chance to write you about it. Go you! I am excited you have another interview, but not surprised. Hey I have a couple weeks off...we should hang out again :-)
i love your stockings!!!
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