Friday, February 20, 2009

Tonight was really fun!  Dan, Erika and Elena came over tonight.  It was going to be a game night but we ended up just snacking, drinking, talking, and playing with Kyle and Elena.  It was a great end to this hectic week and Dan took the cutest picture of the babies!

happy weekend!
Love, the Campi


born to fete said...

hola! i just commented you back on my own blog! anyway, I meant it, so go read it! haha. also, this picture is too cute. elena is adorable! it makes me a little sad though that kyle will be like a senior in high school when our kids are born!

Eugenia & Robert said...

Really? 17 years? I hope it's sooner than that! :-) Well, hopefully when you guys have your first, we'll have another by then who'll be younger and they can play! I read what you wrote and that would be great! We could have a little b-day party when you guys come. So fun! :-)