Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas treee

We got our Xmas tree yesterday! I wanted a short, skinny tree, a la Charlie Brown, as Robert says. We don't have a lot of space for a tree so we thought if we purposely got a teeny, skinny one and made it look vintage, it would work! But there were no skinny trees! So, we settled on a short and fat one. It still has a skinny top so it looks pretty cute and we are really happy with it! I also made our stockings this year. I had a ton of canvas fabric, so I cut out the shapes and painted them with fabric paints. I put the years of our birth on the stockings-it was something my mom did when she hand-embroidered our stockings when we were kids. Since I don't sew, my mom is sewing red felt onto the back of them and we'll hang them up near our tree.

Kyle was so cute at the tree "farm"-(Every year we go to the Boy Scout's tree lot for our tree. Even though there are a bunch of local farmers that grow and sell their trees Robert would rather pay a little more but support the Boy Scouts.) I think he had a good time and he loved running up and down the aisles :-)

I call this the "male model" pose!

We don't have any room in our house for a proper Nativity scene...nor would it be very good to have one when we have Kyle running around the house grabbing everything lol I bought this small statue back when I lived on my own and it works perfectly :-)
I had Kyle help me put a couple of ornaments on the tree and he loves looking at all the different ones on the tree and does sometimes grab one but always tries to put it back.
Our star broke so I put this little angel figurine on top since it's hollow and it worked perfectly! I love it!

Here she is! All 5 feet of her!

As for updates, we've all been sick in our household lately! I caught it first, then Kyle was a few days after, then Robert last. Kyle is still kinda sick with a cough and runny nose but is getting better daily! He still is liking to be babied and held throughout the day and I think that is why he is crying all the time... it helps him also get his way, which he enjoys LOL

On the job front, I had an interview last week and it went well-I have a second interview scheduled for this coming Thursday morning. The first interview was with a panel of three people and they each asked me a bunch of questions. Some of them seemed almost too easy to answer because I did that job already so I have a solution to every problem because I faced all of them before. I was sort of nervous that I answered too briefly or honestly but I could tell they liked me (and they laughed at my jokes!) so I wasn't too surprised to get another interview. I am pretty good at interviews and I get weirdly comfortable during them. Even though, before and after, I am a nervous wreck! This next interview is with the Commander so that does make me more nervous but I think I will do okay. I just have to be myself and be honest and do my research on the department before I go in.

We are really excited for Christmas this year! Kyle is at an age where he is noticing the lights and the Santas and decorations. It's so much fun! We are going to take him to Santa once he gets all better! Pictures of that to follow!
Love, US

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

A new cute picture of my favorite boys.

Today was our (mine and Robert's) third Thanksgiving as a married couple... today was also our (mine, Robert's and Kyle's) second Thanksgiving as a family. It was a really laid back and delicious day!

This morning we met for breakfast at my Abuelita's house. We being my parents, my brother, Robert, Kyle, me, and of course, Abuelita. My dad made swiss cheese and ham panini's and the coffee flowed. It was a great way to begin the holiday! At 3pm we headed over to my Aunt Lupe's and Uncle Tim's house for dinner. They made a tradional Thanksgiving feast and it was so very good! And Robert and I commented how we just ate a little of everything, it was delicious and we didn't leave feeling stuffed. We just felt so content. Since I started getting sick (allergies probably) today, we left a little early but came home and watched a movie together with some apple pie.

On another note, I have a job interview this coming Tuesday morning! It is for the City of Menlo Park Police Department and I am interviewing for the position of Police Records Officer. It is just another name for exactly what I did before for HMB PD. I was a Records Clerk II at HMBPD. So, if I get the job, I will be an officer, not just a clerk. Menlo Park is a really nice, small city that neighbors Palo Alto, where Stanford U is, and Menlo Park also houses my favorite book store in the entire world: Kepler's Books. I can spend hours in that store... and have! In other words, it could be dangerous for me to get the job b/c I will be spending a lot of money on books! But luckily, the Menlo Park Library is right next to the PD so I will save money on books. It's just a win-win, really. If I don't get the job, that means I get to spend my time with Kyle, which is pretty great, also. It really is a win-win situation.

I have been doing a LOT of crocheting lately. I go through phases with my yarn crafts... it was all about knitting until I learned to make slouchy, crocheted berets and I can't get enough. I keep thinking of new ways to make them; different little accents, such as popcorn stitches so they have little bubbles coming out every so often (much cuter than it sounds), bobble stitches every so often (make little bumps) and just plain berets. I also learned to crochet birds (from my Happy Hooker book!) and I sew a button on it for an eye, which is fun bc I get to search through my huge tin of buttons for the perfect one. I found a great yarn by Caron called Caron Country. It is a merino wool blend and it's so soft! Especially compared with the normal acrylic yarns that can be a little stiff. And the colors are gorgeous and satiny-looking. It's a little more expensive than some of the other yarns at Joann's but WAY cheaper than going to Fengari on Main Street! I think I am going to go to Joann's and Michael's tomorrow in case they have some major yarn sales.

Hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving!

PS We found the digital camera! It was at Tim and Lupe's the whole time! Woo hoo!
Kyle and Elena at the kid's table! My mom knit his vest! It was so cute and he looked like a little man!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

kyle and mommy photo shoot

We lost our digital camera and will be hopefully getting one before Xmas, but for now, we can only use our computer's camera!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and good times

We had a great Halloween weekend. Friday night we went to Debbie and Kit's Wig Party. I really don't like wigs (I know-I'm no fun) so I decided to go as an Indian (American, that is). I got the idea from Melissa's blog and thought it would be fun and, since Robert and I are saving up our pennies these days, an inexpensive costume.

I crocheted my headband out of a rust colored, satiny yarn and I made the feather out of cardboard that I drew on with marker pens. Then I flat-ironed my hair and layered on the necklaces. Robert decided to wear one of his old Navy uniforms since they totally fit again (he's lost about 14 pounds since he started the Academy!)

On Halloween night, we took Kyle trick-or-treating in Debbie and Kit's neighborhood, just off of Main Street. He wore my brother's old Papa Bear costume that my mom made for him when he was a little one. It was a tad too big for Kyle but he looked so cute! Especially with his little black nose!

We only went to three houses and then he got way tired and we had to go home. He fell asleep on the way home, which was just a five minute drive.

This is Kyle and Elena at the Pumpkin Festival this year. She was a flamingo. Her mommy, my cousin Erika, made her costume. She got 2nd place!

Here are some other cute pics that we've taken lately::

The other night was a cold one that needed some hot chocolate to make it complete. I used Ghiradellhi Cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, and Lactaid in a pot on the stove and made it nice and hot! I finally got to use the cute teacup/coffee cups that Natalie got me at Anthropologie. I love 'em!

Kyle is really into sunglasses right now. He looks really good in them, too! It's not just, "Oh, look at how cute that little boy looks in those sunglasses~" It's more like, "Wow, those sunglasses look really good on that little boy!" Seriously. He just has a face for sunglasses!

And this is just a fun one I took of us with the camera on our Mac. I love him :-)

Right now, I am still looking for jobs but I am enjoying just getting the chance to stay home with Kyle. Sometimes, I really miss working and getting out of the house everyday with a purpose. These days, I do still have a purpose, and I do get out of the house to run errands and visit with people. And I get to work on my drawings, paintings, and yarn projects. Right now, I am crocheting a blanket with some of my extra yarn. It's turning out so great that I get excited to work on it everyday. I will post some pictures of it soon.

Happy Monday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We got back a week ago from Austin, TX where we attended the beautiful wedding of Alex and Melissa! We had a GREAT time dancing until the wee hours of the morning, making s'mores at 3am, and of course, being witness to Alex and Melissa getting married! It was a perfect day and all of their handmade touches, delicious Texas BBQ dinner, fun music, and their distinct styles made for a unique and touching wedding. Seriously... we are still talking about it! Plus, it was great to see all of the Campos/Gonzalez family that we hadn't seen for a long time, reconnect with old friends (like Mr. Christopher Calle), and see my in-law's new in-laws, (if that makes any sense), who (whom?) we met a couple of years ago and love! (I'm talking about Melissa's family, if that was confusing.) Melissa made a gorgeous bride along with Alex, who made a very handsome groom, and both of them were super stylish! I loved it. :-)

We left Kyle with my parents for the 3 days that we were away and man, did I miss him! I would call my mom every chance I got to hear about what he was doing. The thing he did do while I was away was... how do I say this... ummm, poo poo in the potty. Yes, he did! Since I've been back, he has told me, in his way, that he needs to go #2 and I'll put him on the toilet, and he's tried, but to no avail. I will keep trying! It just seemed early for him to be doing this but yay him!

On an another note, if you notice, I have a new banner for my blog! Melissa designed it and made it for me. She is really good at graphic design, and I am totally not, so I am excited to get to have a fancy, new banner! Thank you! Another cool thing about Melissa marrying Alex is that I now have a sister-in-law! And while I always would refer to her as Auntie Melissa when I talk to Kyle about her, she is now OFFICIALLY his Aunt! Woo hoo!

Monday, September 14, 2009

hola again

Yes, we're alive.  Just without a stable internet connection... right now, I have one bar of connection reaching from my parents' wireless router thingie that is in their house... hopefully I am able to send this before it stops working!

We are all moved into our new place and are actually loving it!  We still have some finishing touches to do and a ton of stuff sitting in boxes out on our (covered) porch waiting for us to find it a place!  but otherwise, our new place looks really good inside and not so much like a trailer. 

Robert starts the police academy in two days and he is a mixture of nerves and excitement.  Kyle is running around everywhere now-a-days and talking up a storm!  He says mommy/mama, daddy/dada, banana, shoe, hi, kitty, abuelita, i love you, juice, cookie, thank you, be quiet, Suzy, Mimi, doggie, bampu (that is what he calls my dad)... he also can point to his nose, belly button, mouth, foot, and hand when asked where they are.  He likes to go over to all the pictures in the house that I am in and points at me in the picture and says, "mama" and will give the me in the pictures a besito when I tell him to.  But if I ask for him to give ME a besito, he shakes his head with a smile and walks away.  lol  He keeps us super busy but he is so much fun and is hilarous.  His new favorite song is the theme song to The Office.  He will be serious and quiet and the second he hears that song, a huge smile spreads across his face and he starts dancing!  

I packed some things really, really well... so well, that I am not able to find them!  My digital camera battery charger is one of those things... sooo, no pictures  to load up!  IN fact, none taken for quite a while!  I will probably end up buying a new one only to find it soon after.  :-/

Will post pictures as soon as possible!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

hello again

I haven't posted on here in forever!  I have good reasons, though.  We have finally gotten our trailer in semi-ship shape condition (on the inside, anyway) and we are ready to move in.  I worked my butt off (figuratively, unfortunately) with all the painting and cleaning in there and now it's almost all done.  there are just a couple more things to get done but they are things I cannot do; a professional is coming in for those few things.  So, we are going to start getting all packed up and moving things over.  I feel really positive about this change and think it is just the beginning of some great things in our lives.

Also, we had Kyle baptized today and it was a really special day!  He looked adorable and loved being the center of attention.

Last but not least, Robert's mom, Kyle's Grandma Campos, is visiting us for a few days.  She came down especially to see Kyle get baptized.

I will post pictures of all the above items when I get a chance.   OH, before I forget, the biggest reason I have not posted anything in so long is that our hard drive died.  I took our laptop to the Mac doctor but it could not be saved.  So it was there for a few days getting a new hard drive... the good news is that the hard drive they installed has more room, or gigs (sp?!) so that's cool but the bad news is that we lost everything that was on that computer... EVERYTHING.  It contained ALL the pictures from our wedding to now... 2 years of our married lives and the birth of Kyle gone.  So that was really upsetting.  Luckily I have pictures still on the camera that go back to April and I have a CD of all our wedding pictures and tons of pictures that I had sent to Costco for developing that go back to when Kyle was just born that I can scan onto this new hard drive.  Also, lost everything on iTunes... how do you get all that back?!  It's money we spent on tons of music and movies...  

As I said, I will post pics of our new place, Kyle's baptism, and anything else that is just plain cute and fun onto here asap!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Natalie and Ryen's wedding

Natalie, my best friend, got married on July 25, 2009 to Ryen, her air force honey :-)  They got married at the Kohl Mansion in Burlingame and it was a GORGEOUS wedding.  Her colors were navy blue and fuschia and it made for a colorful and warm event.  I was her Maid of Honor (she was my maid of honor, too!) and I was so happy for her and feeling a little emotional, as well.  We met 10 years ago in college and have been super close ever since.  We find the same dumb things funny, we have very similar hopes and dreams, values, interests and personalities.  I just love her!  She has become a part of my family as I have become a part of hers.  She asked me to sing as she walked down the aisle.  I sang Sea of Love, the Cat Power version, while my Uncle Tim played the guitar.  I gave a speech during dinner (I cried!) about how in 10 years we have gone from being young girls to grown women and have been side by side through every major milestone in eachother's lives.  I had an amazing time at her beautiful wedding and I can't wait for her to have babies!!   

Just married!

My mother made her veil, as she has made mine and my cousin's, as well!
Natalie and her mother, Susan.

Al, the cute father of the bride!
Us at dinner... I took this with my arm stretched out so my face is cut off... oh well, I still love it!
Natalie made these for the backs of their chairs out of wood.  I think they are so cute!
Since Ryen is in the Air Force, they made little planes out of wood and used them as place cards.  Such a great touch!

Her centerpieces were huge flower balls that were also hanging off of chairs in the ceremony.

This cake topper was the same one her grandparents used at their wedding about 60 years ago.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my late dinner

I just made the best salad!  I think I've had it before but I just am really into it!  It's all organic (I went to Trader Joe's today!) ingredients.  Spinach, strawberries, sliced and toasted almonds, and crumbled gorgonzola cheese with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  I love it!  I also had a chicken breast marinated in Soy Ve'.  Doesn't really go with the salad but is still yummy nevertheless!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009