Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran's Day was great because Robert and I both had the day off.  We started the day with some take-out breakfast from the HMB Coffee Company and pretty much had a really low-key day. :-)

Kyle giving Robert a Happy Veteran's Day hug :-)
Doesn't he have gorgeous eyes?!
Happy Kyle in his cute car!

He sticks his tongue out ALL the time now.  It's his new thing.  Although in this picture it looks more like he has really red lips, but it's just him sticking the tip of his tongue out :-)

1 comment:

GrandmaC said...

Thank you Eugenia for keeping this blogspot current. This seems like my only connection to my family in California. Little Kyle is so, so, precious. I can't wait to see him again. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm just counting the days. I can't wait to see my little grandson, my son, and my daughter.