Saturday, June 6, 2009


Robert and I both had some new purchases that made us happy!  Robert got his much anticipated surf board!  And I bought a new mirror at Tu Pueblo on Main street... Sadly, they are going out of business, and everything is on sale.  It's a great store!  It's really too bad!  I'll miss going window shopping there in the future.  Robert bought his surfboard at the Half Moon Bay Surf Company and he can't wait to surf!
My new mirror with an old picture of my mom in it. She was about 18 in this picture!  So pretty :-)
Robert's new board in our backyard.  It's huge!!

See!  It's way taller than Robert!

Abuelita's Birthday!

Yesterday was my Abuelita's birthday.  She turned 81 and she looks so great and is so active and amazing.  She teaches me so much-from how to make the perfect mexican rice to how to fix my knitting mistakes to telling me about her life when she was young in Mexico City.  She and I are really close and I just love her so much.   She lives right across the street from me so Kyle and I visit all the time!  Almost every day.  We got together at my parent's house where we had the most delicious dinner and Tres Leches birthday cake!

Abuelita having some birthday dinner!
My Aunt Lupe, my mom's sister, posing for the camera.
My mom with Kyle!
tortitas de pollo!!  So good they're bad. 
My brother, Robi.
Vanessa with baby Coral who turns 4 months tomorrow!
Cousin Elena looking gorgeous as usual!
My dad!

Abuelita with her three great-grandchildren.  (Note:  yesterday Robert dressed Kyle up in that tropical shirt, complete with shorts and flip flops!  He was telling everyone that all Kyle needed was a hammock and a peach margarita!  He makes me laugh :-)

Friday, June 5, 2009


So Robert decided to give Kyle a haircut himself.  He used some blue scissors made for cutting paper, not hair.  But in the end, Kyle actually looks really cute; You can really see his face now. :-)


This past Sunday was the annual Portuguese celebration called the Holy Ghost Festival, or as it's most commonly called in these parts, Chamarita weekend.  The I.D.E.S. Society in Half Moon Bay, (I.D.E.S. stands for The Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit in Portuguese) puts on the festival every year and when I was younger, it was the highlight of my year!  My family has, for generations, been very involved in this society so I grew up being involved in the parade every year.  My father has been president of the society, as were two of my great-uncles.  Every year there are two queens(a little queen and big queen) that represent Queen Isabella of Portugal.  I have a lot of relatives that have been queens, including my great-aunt who was queen in 1931, and I always wanted to be the queen but never got to.  I don't care anymore but when I was in high school, it was all I wanted!  Since Kyle is part Portuguese, I wanted to take him to the parade and I hope that as he gets older, he can be a part of the parades, just as I was.

Robert and Kyle before the parade


The Lady of Fatima and all the kids holding up a sign for each of the Azores Islands, which is where the origination of the festival lies.  Most of the Portuguese people in Half Moon Bay are either from the Azores Islands (My great-grandparents were from the island of Terceira.)

The is the 2009 Big Queen for HMB.  They wear the most beautiful capes.  See the girls standing on either side of the queen?  They are called sidemaids-I was a sidemaid three times!  You still get to wear a cape-it's just a shorter one.  

A little boat carrying bags of Portuguese sweet yummy!

band members carrying the American and Portuguese flags.

just some cute ones

kyle's steps!