Monday, September 15, 2008

Gone hiking!

On Sunday we decided to take Kyle for his first hike!  We went into Higgins Purissima Canyon (where I grew up) and hiked on the Higgins Purissima trail.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside and probably would've been really hot during the hike if we hadn't been shielded from the sun by all the trees over us.  It was so beautiful out there!  Even though I grew up with the same scenery, it took moving away from it for me to appreciate it the way I do now.

We got Kyle into his hiking outfit: shorts outfit, hat, socks (shoes would fall off of him with his little legs dangling) and a sweater.  

When we got to the trail, we put him in the baby backpack.  He was so cute!
We practiced at home before we left.  Kyle was taste testing the backpack LOL

Kyle was really curious and really taking everything in as we walked.  He was looking up to the tops of the trees and looking towards the stream that was running loudly just parallel to us.  He started getting more and more tired and it was hilarious because the sleepier he got, the more slouched down he got!

Up right...

  A little lower....

 Face leaning on the backpack....
A tiny bit lower....

Face is hidden now....

 View from the under the pack LOL  He's asleep!!

 Loved seeing his legs swinging with each of Robert's strides :-)

 This was the only way to have us all by in the picture... Kyle is represented by his pacifier :-)

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